March 4, 2025

The Alleged Lies of Adam Schiff: A Congressional Reckoning

The Alleged Lies of Adam Schiff: A Congressional Reckoning

Alleged Liar Adam Schiff

On the House floor, Representative Harriet Hageman of Wyoming delivered a powerful speech detailing the alleged lies perpetuated by Representative Adam Schiff, leading to a standing ovation. Below are the key quotes from the speech and supporting statements from fellow lawmakers, highlighting Schiff’s alleged deception.

Misrepresentations and False Claims

  1. “Claiming that a sitting president has committed what amounts to treason is beyond simple hyperbole.”
    • Hageman accused Schiff of falsely asserting that President Donald Trump engaged in treasonous activities.
  2. “This member’s lies led to the wasting of millions of taxpayer dollars for unnecessary investigations.”
    • The Russia collusion probe consumed taxpayer funds and distracted from more pressing national issues.
  3. “This representative perpetuated these lies while he was chair of the House Intel Committee and consistently implied if not outright stated that he had inside information.”
    • Schiff implied he possessed classified intelligence proving collusion between Trump and Russia, which never materialized.
  4. “He lied about how the FBI and DOJ obtained and renewed a FISA warrant.”
    • Schiff defended the integrity of the FISA process despite later revelations that crucial omissions and inaccuracies tainted the applications.
  5. “The FBI and DOJ officials did not omit material information from the FISA warrant.”
    • Contrary to Schiff’s claims, an Inspector General report found that key information was indeed omitted from FISA applications.
  6. “How the DOJ used the Steele Dossier.”
    • Schiff misrepresented the dossier’s significance, even after its credibility was widely discredited.
  7. “That he had an alleged ‘smoking gun’ showing that President Trump colluded with Russia.”
    • Schiff repeatedly claimed to have direct evidence of collusion but failed to produce any such proof.
  8. “Each of these claims has proven to be false, but the lies have continued, in fact, they have become compulsive and continue right through to this very day.”
    • Hageman accused Schiff of continually misleading the public without accountability.

The Whistleblower Testimony Contradiction

Schiff made repeated statements in various media outlets claiming that The Whistleblower would testify “very soon.” These statements include:

  • September 29, Wall Street Journal: “The Whistleblower at the center of the impeachment investigation of President Trump will testify in the House very soon.”
  • September 29, USA Today: “Schiff, the Democrat who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, said The Whistleblower would testify very soon.”
  • September 29, CNN: “Schiff said Sunday on ABC and NBC’s Meet the Press that he expects The Whistleblower to testify very soon.”
  • September 29, Washington Post: “Schiff echoed Pelosi’s message, stating he expected the Intelligence Committee to hear from The Whistleblower very soon.”
  • September 29, New York Post: “We’ll get the unfiltered testimony of that Whistleblower.”
  • September 29, Talking Points Memo: “Yes, we have [an agreement]. The Whistleblower will be allowed to come in.”
  • September 29, CNBC: “House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said an agreement has been reached under which The Whistleblower will testify very soon.”

Yet, despite these definitive statements, The Whistleblower never testified before Congress, contradicting Schiff’s public assurances.

Additional Allegations from Rep. Lauren Boebert

  1. “Adam Schiff is a complete disgrace to our nation and to our Constitution.”
    • Boebert denounced Schiff’s actions as a betrayal of public trust.
  2. “He put the American people through four years of an endless impeachment hoax that he knew from the beginning was a lie.”
    • Boebert alleged that Schiff knowingly promoted falsehoods to justify impeachment efforts.
  3. “He represents the worst of permanent Washington, using his position of trust to lie to the American people.”
    • Schiff is accused of exploiting his Intelligence Committee role for political gain.
  4. “He told the American people that he had proof that the Trump campaign asked the Russians for help in a conspiracy. That was a lie.”
    • Schiff’s claims about direct collusion were never substantiated.
  5. “He claimed that he was not working with anonymous informants during the impeachment hoax. That was a lie.”
    • Schiff initially denied contact with the Whistleblower’s team, despite reports indicating otherwise.
  6. “When Adam Schiff got caught lying, he did what all liars do and tried to cover the truth even more.”
    • Allegations suggest Schiff doubled down on his falsehoods instead of admitting fault.
  7. “He even used his taxpayer-funded staff to ask Twitter to censor journalists fact-checking his lies.”
    • Accusations of censorship and media manipulation.

Call for Censure

The resolution before the House sought to formally censure Schiff and refer him to the Ethics Committee.

Rep. Boebert concluded:

“If Adam Schiff has a shred of human decency left, he would resign from Congress in disgrace. His tombstone should read of his failed career in Congress with one word: ‘Liar.’”

The question now remains whether the House will hold Schiff accountable for these allegations and whether public trust in Congressional integrity can be restored.

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